
SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Medicine

SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Medicine ! Cough, Cold & Catarrh

SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Medicine is a combination medicine with the proper balance of different homeopathic elements for cold, cough and catarrh. If you have pain in your respiratory system, acute catarrhal problem or headaches then this medicine can work well for you. Here are some benefits of this medicine which can help you to decide whether you want to take them or not.

SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Medicine

Price : 110 Rs. for 25 Gram
Price : 720 Rs. for 450 Gram

SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Ingredients

  • Ferrum phosphoricum 3x HPI
  • Kali muriaticum 3x HPI
  • Magnesium phosphoricum 3x HPI
  • Natrum muriaticum 3x HPI
  • Natrum sulphuricum 3x HPI

It can cure tonsil problems

If you have a stuffy tonsil or enlargement in it, then this medicine is a great choice for you. Enlarged tonsils can create some problems with breathing. This medicine can deal with that efficiently. You just need to make sure that you take the medicine regularly.

It can reduce the soreness in the throat

Sore throat is a very common problem in colds and coughs. SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Medicine can be the best solution for that. Sometimes your throat may get stiff due to cold. This medicine can cure that as well.

It can alleviate chest pain

SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Medicine can alleviate your chest pain and dry cough. It can improve your health to a great extent while you are having a cold. It will also give you relief if you are having difficulty lying down.

SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Medicine ! Cough, Cold & Catarrh

SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Medicine ! Cough, Cold & Catarrh

It can remove nasal catarrh

SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Medicine is helpful if you are going through a yellow thick discharge from your nose and also mucus discharge. It creates a discomfort that causes us to take deep breaths now and then. This problem can also be dealt with this medicine.

It can cure sore chest

Sometimes you may go through a sore chest because of excessive dry cough. At this time, you may also experience a blocked nose. SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Medicine can be the solution for all these problems.

These are the benefits of this medicine. If you are an adult, you have to take 4 tablets around thrice or 4 times in a day. For children, the dosage will be half of the adult people. You need to make sure that you decide on the dosage of SBL Bio-Combination 6 Homeopathic Medicine only by consulting with your physician and including it in your daily routine.

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